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Free text fields and custom placeholder texts for greater versatility ! Free multi-line text fields and custom placeholder texts... Powerful features to get the most out of your registration process !

Since this Monday, idloom-events® has added the possibility for event organisers to add free, multi-line text fields for event participants to fill out during their registration process !

This opens up new possibilities, as it is now possible to ask guests for more complex information, such as questions about their preferences, their jobs or companies, about what they expect from the event, or even very elaborate questions that are specific to each individual event. Guests are able to write as long as they want answers to these questions, on multiple lines.

It is now also possible to edit the placeholder texts (the texts displayed in the box that guests have to fill out) of the registration informations you ask your registrants. This allows you to precise the type of answer you want them to fill out, such as “Please describe your company in a few words”, or “Type your preferences here”…

Placeholder texts are of course editable in the language of your choosing, just like information labels themselves.

You will find a step-by-step tutorial for these powerful features here, in the user guide section of our blog.

Feel free to reach out for any assistance or additional informations.

Enjoy !

The idloom-events® Team.