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News, User guides

How will your social intranet adapt to your organizational structure? Circles, groups, profiles: It is important to understand these different concepts and how their association allows you to achieve the perfect match between the functional or administrative structure of your organization and the topics and interests of your members.



Circles in idloom-wall are the different administrative and functional components of your company. For example, the various departments (accounting, marketing ...), the different geographical sites (Boston, New-York, London...), or any other dimension that is part of the organizational structure of your organization, no matter its type or specificities.

You can also link these different dimensions together. For example: the accounting department is part of the administration department and is located in London.

All you have to do is link the users of your social intranet to the departments in which they work, and they will be automatically divided into the different dimensions according to the links established.

All you have left to do is give them access to the content they are looking for...


Groups are essentially content spaces. It is through groups that information is distributed within the social intranet to the users for whom it is intended.

These groups can be directly linked to one or more of the organizational components of your company, or be more general. For example, you can create a marketing group, which will include information about your campaigns, the marketing of your new products or services... Or a group named London, which will include all the announcements relating to the London office, plans, safety instructions, facilities’ access... Or a more general group such as technical support, where you’ll find the phone or software usage manuals, tutorial videos, and documents containing the different procedures specific to your organization...

For confidentiality purposes, these groups can be:

  • Public: all users can access and become members
  • Private: the group is visible but users must be invited or must request access (and be granted access) before they can access the group's content
  • Secret: only group members can see and access it.

All you have to do is to include the users in these different groups. And this is where all the magic of idloom-wall takes effect. You simply link groups and circles so that all users of the latter are automatically members of the groups that concern them.

For example, a new member is created and integrated into the accounting department which, remember, is part of the administration department and is located in London. Through links between circles and groups, he will automatically be a member of the groups:

  • Corporate news: everyone is automatically a member of this group
  • Accounting: since he is a member of the department
  • Administration: since he is a member of this service
  • London: since its department is located in London
  • Welcome: which contains all the useful information for the newcomers, and which he can then leave if he wishes
  • Technical support
  • ...

From his very first login, a user will have access to a complete environment with all the information that interests him directly, nothing more, nothing less.


After having set up circles and groups, you can now offer your employees the opportunity to create new groups, or to publish information on their own personal profile.

Profiles work in the same way as do groups, except that they are personal members’ page instead of functional or thematic groups. For example, if one of your colleagues is passionate about new technologies, he will be able to publish all sorts of information about this topic on his profile, such as links to press articles, videos, documents ... Other users will be able to follow his profile and receive all the information published in their "wall" and in their "mail digest" that they will receive periodically.


In this way, you have realized the perfect match between the organizational structure of your company, the themes and contents available and the interests of your coworkers. You have reached the essence of idloom-wall: SHARE - COLLABORATE - INTERACT.