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EDORA Streamlines Renewable Energy Event Management with idloom
Case studies

EDORA Streamlines Renewable Energy Event Management with idloom


The future of European energy generation is renewable, but the road to a
renewable reality is challenging to navigate.

EDORA is a federation of energy sector organizations including producers,
installers, equipment manufacturers, project developers, design offices, and
suppliers of innovative energy services. The federation is resolutely committed to
achieving a "triple optimum" balance of energy efficiencies, socio-economic
benefits, and positive environmental impacts.

To help accomplish this goal, EDORA regularly hosts events with industry
stakeholders such as regulatory agencies, market investors, and government
members. Given the diversity of stakeholders and the importance of the mission,
EDORA turned to idloom to help streamline energy event management.

Powering Up: EDORA Streamlines Renewable Energy Event Management with idloom

The Situation: Overcoming Energy Inertia

Objects at rest tend to stay at rest unless an outside force is applied. The same is
true for renewable energy projects — without the committed action of politicians
and regulatory bodies, these initiatives often remain stuck in planning or
development stages.

"We see that a lot of people are in favor of renewable energy," says Géraldine
Nethercott, Communication & Event Manager at EDORA. "But when it's time to
build a wind turbine, they say 'not in my backyard.' Politicians, meanwhile, try to
please the people. This means that when we need to develop projects, we face

Events help bring together private energy industry companies and their private
counterparts. But creating and managing these events is no easy task. "You have
to respect deadlines and share the right information at the right time," says
Nethercott. "You have to face unforeseen events such as cancellation or late

Nethercott sums up the event process prior to idloom in a single sentence: "It
was complicated." Instead of a unified platform, EDORA was using homemade
solutions to create event websites and a separate program to create invoices.
Tools had to be continually updated, and it wasn't easy to track attendee
responses, payment status, and other key event details. Nethercott puts it
simply: "It was exciting but stressful."

The Solution: Centralized Event Management with idloom

"Before, people would register as a member or non-member. Then we had to
verify their information, send them an invoice, and have them pay before it was
completed," says Nethercott. "And if they didn't pay, you had to send a reminder
— and some payments were never made. Several months after the event, we
still had work to do."

With idloom, the EDORA events team can select and view specific attendee
profiles and see all relevant information about event response and registration.
They can ask attendees to pay online, send direct invoices, and select the
appropriate VAT/Tax rate for their region. The result is an event management
process that's user-friendly, easy to use, and reduces the complexity of handling
multiple taxation requirements.

The Results: Superior Support for Energy Initiatives

Successful energy events facilitate connections between industry leaders and
regulatory decision-makers. They provide critical content and context to help
politicians and investors better understand the potential benefits of renewable
energy projects.

Superior support from idloom lets EDORA create events that exceed
expectations. "Support is the main added value of idloom," says Nethercott. "The
team is really available and friendly. They are based a few kilometers away from
Brussels and offer really reactive support. Someone replies the same day." While
she notes that in most cases support isn't required, EDORA benefits from the
knowledge that when help is needed, it's just a call or click away.

When it comes to investment in effective event management, Nethercott doesn't
mince words. "It’s important for people in the event sectors that they’re aware
that having the right tool is really important, even if you have to invest money
because it saves time and money. It can change the way you manage events.
We're really happy about working with idloom."


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